Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Few hundred decades ago, a man had set an organistaion with a VISION and a simple MISSION. He had set few rules , guidelines and policies that were enlisted in a MANUAL. Most of his dealings and businesses were inspired and adhered to the MANUAL.The company soon got recognition and was respected everywhere. It was to rule the entire globe for its services and goods had a universal demand and appeal.

The company was established in almost all parts of the world and was considered the best of all. It penetrated into the customer base of every market that it entered and was seemingly unstoppable as the consumers welcomed the goods and services into their lives with utmost passion and love.

But, as we know of the market and the competition that prevails, it started to affect the company as a century passed by. The rivals came and went but could harm the company least. However, as every HERO has to see the dark night as every day has to set into dusk, the HERO lost its shares to the rivals. There was an old rival who was into the business much before the HERO set foot on earth(established).The RIVAL after a century of defeat and frustration analysed:
The HERO was established by a man without the help and influence of anyone at a time when we ruled. He added that the man and his followers/employees were helped unilaterally by the only guidelines and principles he enlisted into the MANUAL. If we need to defeat HERO, we must lead the employees/followers away from and the essence of MANUAL; its guidliness and the practices of the man who brought HERO to life.
The rival knew that the MANUAL had the power to guide anyone who followed it to GLORY and SUCCESS but being haughty and proud he never attached himself to it !Few decades of analysis and hardwork helped the rival to take away the followers from the principles that helped HERO reach zenith and the HERO started to decline in its popularity and hence its acceptance.

But, the HERO still lives as the rival was not able to affect every follower as HERO had spread all over the world.Moreover, it was impossible to take the guidelines away from that employee who knew the power of the MANUAL to turn everything , every business and deal a deemed success. Hence, the HERO still remains the best of the companies in the world with few followers sticking to the MANUAL.And as time moves on, HERO like every other hero will WIN all over again.

HERO= Islam MANUAL=Qur'an MAN=Prophet Muhammad(saw)

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