Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ayyiuhal Munaafiqoon

An Atheist (someone who rejects GOD) is more sincere than a Hypocrite believer for the latter is insincere to both, his Lord and his desires as Allah says, “Indeed, the hypocrites are destined to the abode in the deep bottomless abyss of Hell, and never shall you find anyone to afford them help.”

A Hypocrite is one who has a DOUBLE split personality as most of us are. We adhere to few commands of our Lord and claim to Love Allah and yet fall down to our desires; ignorant and forgetful of Allah's orders and warnings! WE are still alive and have time to repent and recourse! It is high time before we die and are presented to Allah that we obey his orders and know the purpose of our lives.

The purpose of someone who has surrendered his will to that of his Lord's (MUSALMAN) is to purely worship him without any association and spend all his life in pleasing him.

We all must struggle to stand true to our pledge of La Ilaaha Illallah Mhammadur Rasulullah. La (No) to all except Allah has deeper meaning. It negates worship of any other God, or system, or thing, or desire but that of Allah or which takes one closer to Allah. So it is our purpose as a Muslim to make sure that we adhere to the system and law of Allah and establish one if it isn't as Allah says,"This day I have perfected your religion and completed my favour upon you and chosen Islam as a complete way of life."

The struggle or jihad must be to ensure that we are not led by our desires or by the system of the world or by glitter and pomp around nor shall we bow down to demands of our societies, of Bollywood or Hollywood but purely to please Allah so that all our efforts are for the pleasure of Allah alone.

The La(No) also also stresses that no pain and no joy, no sorrow, no worry and no happinness can come from the world outside, which is a mere agent (or a delivery person) but from Allah . Everything comes from Allah, even the kiss of your wife, the blessings of your mother and the love of your friend all is from Allah for our wives, mothers and friends are merely an agent of one supreme Lord. So you don't woo your mother, wife or friend in order to gain anything from them but purely to please Allah for they cannot give you anything except by the sheer will of your Lord. The same goes for any authority above us, a wealthy friend or relative, a powerful connection or a high profile acquaintance from whom we except a favour or help for HELP is entirely an entity of your lord as you do not know what is good for you (with certainty)and Allah says, “And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”

Life thus becomes simplified and we see an authority and confidence trickling into ourselves as we bow down to none but one Supreme Lord and act according to what would please Him and not any external agent, there would be no fear, no pain, no worries for you know that there is someone who knows and who shall take care and you shall see pateince entering your hearts filling the voids that were pre existant. We would not differentiate between people from the narrow scales of wealth and worldly riches but thorugh his love for us and for Allah.

Thus all of our efforts in this short journey before we go to our graves and then meet our lord to either enter jannah or be eaten by the blazing fire is about PLEASING ALLAH by denying the worth of any and everything that we encounter around ourselves, by saying La(No) to them and knowing concretely in our hearts that only Allah can help us for he knows it all, even what goes on inside our nerves and glands, amongst deserts through its sands.Glorification of Allah, although we will fail to do complete justice, must be the sheer aim as we wander through the various test and tribulation in this life on our way to Jannah for may Allah make Jahannam and its allies Haram for us. Its high time that we realise the worth of Jannah and start acting upon it.

It is easier to do things that is prevalent in our socities and we see our peers do for we are accustomed to it, it is easy to spend the nights watching movies and talking to our girl friends or rather spend time on net or reading some sort of book of choice rather than wake up and stand for night prayers (tahjjud). Praying tahajjud or Qiyamul Layil (Standing by night) is the system of Allah practiced by the Prophet we love most and we claim to kill anyone who blasphemise against him (May Allah's peace, blessings and mercy be all upon him) and yet we follow least of what he has taught us. It is easier to spend time cruising through our cities, visiting malls and cinema theatres than learning, reciting and spreading the word of Allah which was the call and practice of our beloved Prophet (SAW, May Allah increase him in his ranks and fulfill his promise) as he (saw) said "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'aan and teaches it."It is easier to change our routines according to our favourite cricket or football matches, movies or parties yet it is very difficult to routine our lives according to the system of our lord. The beauty of Jannah can’t be even precisely imagined and yes it is a struggle to reach there, and so is true for jahnnam whose fury and extent of pain can’t be experienced and yes it is a struggle to escape it.

Ayyiuhal Muslimoon (O Muslims), it is high time to change our double split personalities of being Muslims by Name or birth but Athesit or non muslims in action. By Allah, in whose hand is the affairs of all the world and anything known or unknown, we have to go to our graves and ultimately meet our lord and know well He is the just of the justs, so justice shall be done to us. If we remain and die as a Hypocrite without changing our way of life, remaining adamant, ignorant or forgetful, Hell awaits us with all its fury and fervour for Hell too deserves its share of justice.

And Allah speaks and warns in plain, simple and clear terms.

“The hypocrites -men and women- spring from one another and complement each other. They enjoin what is evil and forbid what is just and right. They keep their hands tightly shut, unwilling to spend in divine service and fail to recall Allah to mind and by consequence Allah has neglected them. Indeed the hypocrites are faithless, perverse and morally depraved.”

“Allah has promised the hypocrites the men and the women together with those who deny Him and disregard His authoritative commands, the fire of Hell wherein they will have passed through nature to eternal suffering; Hell claims them as her own. Allah has cursed them and they shall suffer the torment laid upon the damned.”

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