Monday, February 1, 2010


I dream about a huge bungalow, a polished luxurious car in the garage, holiday all over the world, to be loved and RESPECTED by everyone, to have rich, popular and glamorous friends, a beautiful, seductive yet amiable wife...I dream about to be the richest man on earth so that I can acquire anything and everything that I want, I want to be king Midas, I want everything...and I dream about it all.

But..Why? …Pause....Obviously! it gives me satisfaction as these are things that I desire and when they will be fulfilled I WILL BE HAPPY!, you want to be happy and satisfied!

-Yeah you are right! I mean everyone wants happiness and satisfaction!

--But are you sure that you will be satisfied after your dreams are accomplished.

-Yes, I am dead sure!

--Alright. Can you tell me of a person whom you know or have read about in the history of entire mankind who had all these in any amount and was both Happy as well as Satisfied?

-Actually, I don't know of a person but that does not mean I will not be satisfied. I think I will be the most satisfied and happiest person if my dreams were to come true!

--Ok. Do you know of people who have got nothing that you desire but claim to have attained happiness and seem to be satisfied?

- You see, any one can claim so but I can't agree to such false claims. How can one be satisfied without such things like a wonderful house, lovely wife, popular friends as well as the luxury and power to buy anything that one wishes?

--Now tell me whom do you love most?

- I love my wife and two children the most.

-- What do you think makes them really happy?

-My wife will never be happy or satisfied even if i give her mountains of gold!


- Her list of desires are unending and she always asks for things I can't afford.

--Are you trying to tell me there is nothing that makes her happy!
- Come on! I am not saying that!


-Actually, she loves me a lot you know. She especially loves to see me get dirty in the kitchen on Sundays as I cook the meal for all of them and it reminds of the enthusiasm she has whenever I call her from office to go for shopping, she loves surprises!

--But you said nothing can make her happy?

- I meant, she has unending desires that I fear I can't fulfill and hence I thought so.

--What about your children?

-My son goes to the university and the daughter is pursuing her higher secondary.

--And are there things that make them happy?



-Ibrahim has a fantasy for cars and he is crazy for bikes you know! I just bought him the latest Honda bike last year, though I still am paying for it(quite disturbed) and my Sara has her own world. But, she loves clothes and anything that is fashion. You see we fulfill all the dreams of our kids and take care that we provide everything they just ask for.

Are they happy?

Yes...pause...may be NO!

Why Yes?

You see they get what they ask!

why No then?

-I couldn' t figure that out yet. Maybe they have some unfulfilled desires that they don't share with us.

--Are they not close to you?

-I would again say Yes and No.

--I can understand but do they not share anything with you?

- No. You see as both of them grew up they have their own personal life and we try not to interfere.

--Do your children convey the love for you?

-I think they are quite reserved and shy for that.

--Don' you wish they were closer to you?

Oh yes dear! I would do anything for it.


-Yes dear! why do you say that?

-Actually that was not on your Dream list.

- That is but obvious you see. Every father want love from their children and does one always need to mention that.

--Have you ever tried to win their confidence?

-Yes. But you see they have their own privacy!

-- I see your point. But don't you think that if you lived in a smaller house, had a smaller car, your wife asking for nothing but your love and your children respecting you and loving you then you must be happy and satisfied?

- I can see your point and yes I would love to have such a life but you see contentment without the facilities of a good life isn't practical, far from reality!

--So, you agree that one if create such an ideal situation can be content and happy?

- Yes but i will again stress that such a situation is not practically possible!

--My friend have you ever questioned about how to make it practical because that would be an easier choice than insanely chasing money and material wealth all your life. You are still living a life that is not in harmony with your dreams nor are you content. What makes you blindly run for things that you can't practically achieve? In the process you however destroy the gifts that God has blessed you with; the gift of a lovely wife and children, of a wonderful world, society and the senses to rule yourself.

Have you ever thought of helping a poor whom you could if you willed? Have you ever pondered how a man without shelter, without a safe roof forget about having an insurance policy thrives on the same space that you live on? Have you ever imagined how a hungry mother feeds her newborn baby? Have you ever wondered how such children struggle for mere existence and livelihood?

(Coming back to senses)

You see, I know, I have ignored such realities of life as I didn’t want to bother myself about such things that would hurt me. I try my best not to harm them nor have I ever become the reason for their pathetic condition? I never wish foul for them nor have I asked God to create such people?

-- Brother! I understand your emotions very well. But I would just request you to have a heart and face the reality. Do you really think from your heart that you are free from the sin of living in a society where one insures their pet animals and another is being ‘eaten’ by animals? How can one acquit oneself from such a charge?

Do you think that God gave you the faculty to think, the intelligence to earn, the ability to build the places of shelter and the uncountable amount of love just to be miserly utilized by your own self? Did it never cross you that such bounties that you had must be shared by the sons and daughters of the same God who had blessed you and that the needy must share your blessings?
Do the children of God not deserve to at least live? Don’t they deserve something more than your pets?
How can you see a man die, a baby cry(to death) and helpless feeding mum get dry? How can you witness the scene with your eye? How heartless can you become? Dear! Have a heart!

- Iam not the only person who has been so blessed and there are many of them who are like me? Why don’t you go and question them? Why me?

--But the message has come to you?

- What…Message?

-- Yes. A message that I, the messenger, have brought for you. I have come to tell you that your God and my God is asking you to share the blessings you have received with those who need. He has asked me to reveal to you the secret of all the secrets.
The reason for suffering and toil for mankind is that he is busy managing his affairs day and night and overlooks those whose affairs he can handle; the affairs of his beloved, of his children and then the children of His God.
Has God not promised you to settle your affairs and asked you to have patience? But an impatient soul like yours did not believe in Him and took to all means to satisfy your desires. God still asks you to share the blessings with those whom you can help if you try unless it is too late. He asks you to discharge your duties with utmost sincerity and honest. In lieu, he promises to settle your affairs as he had promised those before you. The secret to the Goal of all the goals i.e Happiness is sharing the blessing of your Lord with those who need it the most. The basic purpose of every action you commit is to seek for happiness and contentment but your search will never be over until and unless the love for self is shared with the love for the creation of your Lord.
Help those you can and discharge your duties with utmost sincerity and this is the secret of all secrets.. God Bless. Amin! Disappears!

- (weeping) Oh my dear GOD!

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